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Profielfoto van YobeK1953

While hiking with Arie through Bretagne, France, YobeK comes to the most deserted places.
Force places like this one are still very active.

The long grass tells me that in the last few month only two or three people have been here.
I don't tell where this place is, so it can keep it's strenght.

On this place I sit for an hour staring at this scenery and feeling reborn.
This is a positive place, that's clear.

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Reacties (3)

Profielfoto van joanne
Nog bedankt voor je reactie op mijn foto Sint-Janskruid. Je vraag wat die achtergrond betreft,ik heb er niets aangedaan er zit een bos achter,ik heb zelfs een foto daar is de achtergrond helemaal zwart.
gr joanne
Profielfoto van joanne
gr joanne
Profielfoto van Hennepen
Yes! you gotta keep this between yourself and the planet.
Find this place is find yourself!
Knock yourself out!

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